David SmithMRIAI
Dip Arch, BArch Sc
Greg Davey
MRIAI, BArch, Dip Arch Tech
Greg graduated from DIT Bolton Street in 1998 with a Diploma in Architectural Technology. After working in private practice in Dublin, he returned to DIT to study Architecture and graduated with an honours degree. Greg has 16 years of experience in the industry working with various offices including Mecanoo Architects in the Netherlands, FKL Architects, DTA Architects and O'Mahony Pike Architects in Ireland. His experience ranges from small domestic remodelling to large scale residential and commercial developments.
David graduated from DIT Bolton Street in 2000 with an Honours Degree in Architecture. Since graduating, David has worked with FKL Architects, DTA Architects, and J McSweeney Architects and has experience in a wide variety of commercial, cultural and domestic projects. From 2006-2008 David was President of the Architectural Association of Ireland and has also sat on the Council of the Royal Institute of Architects of Ireland
Studio Team:
Greg Davey; David Smith; Richard Callaghan; Lora Aughey; Scott Morton; Melina Bonetto; Sinead Scullion; Tracy Armstrong; Shay Fenton
About us
Davey & Smith Architects is a design led practice founded by Greg Davey and David Smith in 2010. Located in Clontarf, we have extensive experience with a wide range of building typologies and provide a diverse selection of services. Each project is developed individually through detailed dialogue with the Client, so that an informed and inspired solution can be achieved. Our aim is to provide an integrated design that is light filled, energy efficient and contemporary, backed up with an efficient and professional service.